We love questions.
Who will I see for my medical care?
Dr. Swanson will be your doctor every time. Your doctor will know you and your care will be based on that relationship. It has been shown that consistently seeing the same doctor can add years to your life. We believe honesty leads to the best communication. We will never shame, pressure, or coerce our patients. We honor each person's journey and decisions. We believe you are the best person to make decisions about yourself.
- visits can be virtual or in person and are unlimited in number
- new patient visits will be 90 minutes and subsequent visits will be up to 60 minutes
How can this membership save me money and time?
Our patients often avoid unnecessary urgent care, emergency room and some specialist visits through the improved communication and accessibility of direct primary care. We have time to listen to your whole story and go forward from a more holistic starting place. When the patient-doctor relationship is restored to a healthier place patients can see their doctor as much as they truly need instead of being guided by the busy schedules of both parties. This leads to happier, healthier patients and doctors.
How do we offer affordable medications from our office?
Pharmaceutical companies manufacture and sell medications to wholesalers who sell to pharmacies. Before the pharmacy can sell the medication to the patient, pharmacy benefit managers (contracted by insurance agencies) step in to affect the cost of the medication. These third parties greatly markup the cost of prescription drugs in order to make their business profitable. At Boulder Valley Direct Primary Care, Dr. Swanson offers the most common medications at a vastly reduced wholesale rate (80-90% off) because she eliminates these middlemen. If we do not stock a medication you desire or need we will work with you to find an affordable route to obtain it.
What about lab studies and imaging?
We work with local labs and imaging centers to negotiate for our patients who are not using insurance (80% price reduction). When you eliminate insurers from the equation, costs often reduce. Using insurance towards these costs is also an option for our patients.
How will I get lab tests, medications, and imaging studies?
We want to eliminate stress not induce it. We do in-house blood draws for adults. We provide common medications at wholesale prices from our office. As for imaging, we have great referral sites that are easy to use.
Please note: We do not dispense controlled substances from our office.
Should I have insurance, too?
We recommend having high deductible insurance or a health-share plan for any extremely costly emergencies that may arise. Keep in mind these emergencies are far less likely to happen when you have exemplary, relationship based primary care. Our patients range from uninsured to insured. Unfortunately, due to medicaid restrictions around direct primary care we cannot see patients who hold this insurance even if we do not bill it. We can see patients who hold medicare. We do accept HSA/FSA funds.