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Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Menopause Relief

We offer education and treatment with bioidentical, evidence-based hormone therapy for perimenopause and beyond. As a primary care physician, certified as a menopause expert by The Menopause Society, I am able to support women individually and comprehensively as they move through the menopause transition. 

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What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a time of hormonal fluctuation into sex hormone depletion often in the mid to late 40's but sometimes earlier. Like puberty and postpartum, it is often marked by depression and anxiety, insomnia, joint pain , changes in menstruation, temperature fluctuation, brain fog  in addition to a constellation of over 100 other symptoms.  Hormone therapy can help with these debilitating symptoms. Additionally, there is an emerging theory that starting hormone therapy earlier on in this transition may reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes and other long term disease. 

What is Menopause and Postmenopause?

While menopause itself is a moment in time when a person has had no period for 12 months, postmenopause makes up 1/3 of a woman's life.  The average age of the last period in the US is 51 .  In postmenopause there is an increased risk of low libido, osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, frequent UTI's and beyond. Hormone therapy can be beneficial for postmenopause if started within 10 years of the last menstrual period and before age 60. 

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